May Bank Holiday Invitational Swiss Teams – Sunday 3rd May – 5 x 12 board matches


Well Done to Mark Moran, John Carroll, Tom Hanlon, Hugh McGann, Adam Mesbur and Nick FitzGibbon

Runners-up:  Dan McIntosh, Tommy Garvey, Louise Mitchell, Derek O’Gorman

Third:  Peter Goodman, Terry Walsh, Peter Pigot, Karel DeRaeymaeker

Fourth:  David Walsh, Ciaran Coyne, Enda Glynn, Gay Keaveney

Hand records for Round 1Board details for Round 1

Hand records for Round 2Board details for Round 2

Hand records for Round 3Board details for Round 3

Hand records for Round 4.  Board details for Round 4

Hand records for Round 5.  Board details for Round 5

Diarmuid Reddan (Chief), Mairéad Basquille and FOB




May Bank Holiday Invitational Swiss Teams – 14 Teams

The following 14 teams have agreed to take part in the second Swiss Teams event which takes place on Sunday week 3rd May.

5 x 12 board matches starting at 12 noon, then 1.30, then 3.00, then 5.10 and finally 6.40 ending at 8 O’Clock

Number Team Members
1 Maureen Pattinson, Bob Pattinson, Marian Croke, Maria Whelan
2 Martin Brady, Paul Delaney, Sean O’Lubaigh, David Dunne
3 Ronan McMaugh, Thomas MacCormac, Wojiech Gorzycza, Marcin Rudzinski
4 LizAnn O’Reilly, Gordon Lessells, Ena Cleary, Aidan Cleary, Pat Liston
5 Dan McIntosh, Tommy Garvey, Louise Mitchell, Derek O’Gorman, Donal MacAonghusa
6 Donal Garvey, Pat Quinn, Micheal O’Bhriain, Padraig O’Bhriain
7 Teresa Rigney, Diane Greenwood, Joan Kenny, Jeannie Fitzgerald, Rebecca O’Keeffe, Gilda Pender
8 Peter Goodman, Terry Walsh, Peter Pigot, Karel DeRaeymaeker
9 Mark Moran, John Carroll, Tom Hanlon, Hugh McGann, Adam Mesbur, Nick FitzGibbon
10 BJ O’Brien, Alan O’Sullivan, Siobhan Part, Hilary McDonagh
11 David Walsh, Ciaran Coyne, Enda Glynn, Gay Keaveney
12 John Phelan, Lucy Phelan, Anna Onishuk, Cian Holland
13 Sam Punch, Stephen Peterkin, Alan Goodman, Brian Short
14 Michael Donnelly, Conor Boland, John Connolly, Stephen Barr

The draw for numbers was based on the Lotto draw (Saturday 25th April).

In round 1 Team 1 will play Team 8, then 2v9, 3v10, 4v11 etc.

Diarmuid Reddan (Chief), Mairéad Basquille and FOB



George Ryan RIP

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We are saddened to report the death of the well-known journalist, author, and former Irish Times bridge correspondent, George Ryan.

George will be best remembered in bridge circles for his incredibly popular pocket-sized primer on the game, “The Bones of Bridge”.  This proved an invaluable resource for new students of the game, so much so that, even though it has been out of print for many years, the CBAI still receives regular enquiries as to its availability from newcomers who have been recommended it by a devotee.  A follow-up work, “Some of the Flesh” was only slightly less influential.  Aside from his journalism and bridge writing, George also wrote fiction, including a very well-admired novel, “No Time for Work”.

George retired as the Irish Times bridge columnist in 2014, and in that year was awarded the CBAI President’s Award, in Fearghal O’Boyle’s presidency, for his life-long contribution to the game. George developed dementia at around that time, and moved to Westport to be closer to his daughter Aine and her family. Aine (also a journalist) has been writing a very moving series of articles about how George and the family have coped with the condition, which remain available on the Irish Times website.

George was pre-deceased by his son Dermot, his first wife, Mary, and second wife, Joan. He is survived by his sister, Sr. Clare Ryan, and by his daughters Aine, Breda, Clare, and Eithne, and son Gearoid. Our condolences to them and all George’s extended family and friends. May he rest in peace.  (Irish Times obituary)




Easter Irish Invitational Online Swiss Teams

Congraulations to Louise Mitchell, Dan McIntosh, Tommy Garvey, Derek O’Gorman and Donal MacAonghusa

Runner-up:  Paddy Murphy,Mark Roderick,Terry Walsh and Peter Goodman

Third:  David Walsh, Ciaran Coyne, Gay Keaveney and Enda Glynn

Fourth:  Tom Hanlon, Hugh McGann, John Carroll, Mark Moran, Adam Mesbur, Nick FitzGibbon and Grainne Barton (NPC)


Hand records for Round 1          Results and board details (Round 1)

Hand records for Round 2          Results and board details (Round 2)

Hand records for Round 3          Results and board details (Round 3)

Hand records for Round 4          Results and board details (Round 4)

Hand records for Round 5          Results and board details (Round 5)


The following 10 teams will play 5 x 10 board matches today Easter Sunday (1 pm – 8 pm)

In a first for online bridge we will be trying to run a swiss teams event where the 5 matches in each round will play the same boards at the same time.  (7 minutes per board)

TDs: Diarmuid Reddan (Chief), Mairead Basquille and FOB




Camrose Trophy – Belfast – Friday March 6th to Sunday March 8th – Congratulations England

The second and final weekend of this year’s Home Nation’s Camrose Trophy takes place in La Mon Hotel Belfast.  The 6 teams involved are Northern Ireland, Ireland, England, Scotland, Wales and NIBU.


Final Result and Full Details


Malahide Bridge Congress (March 2020) Results

Congress Teams S1 Result and Hand Records       Congress Teams Final Result and S2 Hands

Intermediate Teams Final Result and Hand Records

Gala Pairs,     Mixed Pairs,     Novice Pairs

Sat Aft Open,     Congress Pairs S1,     Area Masters S1,     Intermediate Pairs S1,     Inter B Pairs S1

Congress Pairs Overall,     Area Masters Overall,     Intermediate Pairs S2,     Intermediate Pairs Overall

Inter B Pairs S2,     Inter B Pairs Overall

Sun Aft Open Pairs A,     Sun Aft Open Pairs B


Notice from the Irish Bridge Union and the Contract Bridge Association of Ireland (Wednesday 18th March)

The National Pairs Finals due to be played this weekend in Athlone has been postponed as have the National Teams Finals due to played in Athlone in April as well as the Cooper & Lambert & Novice Finals in April.  The Moylan Cup and the Seniors Congress have also been postponed.  IBU Mixed Team Trial has also been postponed.   Sadly the famous Clonmel Congress has been cancelled as has Galway Congress and Killarney Congress.  The Lady Milne and the Senior Camrose are postponed til later in the year.

If it is feasible, and if the possibility of infection from this virus is eliminated, the National Competitions will be rescheduled during the summer months.

CBAI will review the situation at Easter and will make any necessary decisions about further National events that are currently scheduled before the end of this season.

All the hotels who were due to host our events have been informed and all have responded very supportively.  In fact the Cavan Crystal Hotel has put together an attractive offer for CBAI members.


From our BBO Guru Eamon Galligan

The Ireland Imps Pairs tourney is being revived to help with bridge folk missing their bridge fix due to Covid19.

Tonight – most nights on Bridgebase Online at 8pm Irish time.  A free tourney open to all with Ireland flag in their profile.

Will open to all with a few minutes to go if we are only a few people.

 This event is aimed at players in clubs which are closed and other folk who are staying home.

I will run on any night I am not directing somewhere which will soon be most nights.

You need a Bridgebase Online account … this is FREE and the TOURNEY is free

Find in Competitive … Tournaments .. Free tournaments
