Duais an Uachtaráin 2014 – FOB

My heartfelt thanks to everyone who played in my President's Prizes in Sligo at the weekend.  I am deeply humbled that so many of you came to play in this event and broke all entry records in the process!  My thanks also to those who were unable to attend but who nevertheless sent their good wishes.  Congrats to all the winners and I hope everyone enjoyed their weekend.  My personal thanks to my local Sligo team (headed by Mairéad and Frank) who worked extremely hard before, during and after the event to make sure that all our visitors were looked after.

Duais Final Result (73.5 Tables)

Duais Inter 'B' Result (8.5 Tables)

...and the 'Ice Bucket' challenge…  (a big thank you to the players who contributed €1200 on the night to Paul and myself).  Paul's Dousing


New CBAI President

I want to thank all of you who came along to the CBAI AGM and Charity Bridge Game in July.  We had a full house and both Charities St. Vincent de Paul and Alzheimers are extremely grateful for your generousity.  On a personal note I am overwhelmed by the amount of good wishes, cards, emails, facebook etc from you all.  I will give it my best shot.

Full Result of the Bridge Game

Our New EBL Exective Member

Congratulations to Paul Porteous on being elected to the European Bridge League Exeutive Committee.  This coveted position is great news for Bridge in Ireland as we head into a new era with rising standards in play, administrative issues and technological matters.  We all share in the delight and personal honour being bestowed on Paul to acknowledge his devotion and dedication to Bridge throughout the length and breadth of Ireland.  Thank you Paul – Well deserved.